Examination System

The academic year is divided into three terms. There are no formal examinations for the primary classes. Evaluation of a child's progress is based on continuous theme-based assessments.

Progress Reports will be given to parents during the Open House at the end of each term. Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) is followed as proposed by CBSE.

Evaluation of Academic Subjects

Type of Assessment Percentage of Weightage Month Term Wise Weightage
Formative Assessment-1 10% April to September FA [1+2] = 20%
Formative Assessment-2 10%
Summative Assessment-1 30% September SA-1 = 30%
Formative Assessment-3 10% October to March FA [3+4] = 20%
Formative Assessment-4 10%
Summative Assessment-2 30% March SA-2 = 20%

Overall Assessment Breakdown

Total Formative Assessments (FA1 + FA2 + FA3 + FA4) = 40%
Total Summative Assessments (SA1 + SA2) = 60%

Classes IX to XII

For classes IX to XII, assessments will be conducted as per CBSE guidelines.